Friday, October 04, 2019

A self-realization about parent-shaming

I was at get-together recently. The party hall was filled with adults/parents and kids of all ages -- from lap babies to kids as old as 10-12. I noticed this one kid who was probably about 7-8 years old playing with his dad's phone. All through the party he was playing games on the phone. The first thought that struck me was "Why are his parents letting this kid play with their phone?"
At our house, we have a no phone rule. My son does not touch either of our phones. We also try not to be on our phones when he is around.
I am ashamed to admit it, I parent-shamed them in my head. Even when he was eating dinner, he had a YouTube video on and would take a bite only if the video was on. I did not mention this to anyone and I even forgot about it.
A few days later, I heard from another mom that the kid I saw at the party has a serious medical condition which may turn fatal as early as his teens. Immediately I felt terrible for judging the family. I cant even begin to imagine what the parents' state of mind is on a day to day basis. When every day you spend with your child is a gift, you do what it takes to reduce the drama. Parents do whatever it takes to bring up their kids in the best way they think is right. Nobody should sit on their high horse and judge or shame anyone for the decisions they take as parents.
I am not just saying this because the kid has a serious medical condition. Even if one has a healthy kid, NO form of judging/shaming directed towards the family is warranted. People do what works for them and for their family's sanity.
You do you boo. After all, you have one life to live.